Grounded in humanity.

Driven by possibility.

Listen. Entrepreneurship is sunshine and rainbows on occasion...

... but mostly it's a battlefield you'll meet yourself on— and you are your fiercest opponent.

The challenge is in turning that foe into a friend that works FOR you, not against you.

When more entrepreneurs learn to systematically leverage self-knowledge into success, the entrepreneurial landscape will change drastically, but so will the societal landscape.

It's become apparent to me that entrepreneurs can make an impact in solving for our Loneliness Epidemic, and I'm committed to making a difference.

It's time for our ventures to give us all life— not drain us all of it.

It's time to thrive, and I want you to join me.


Dana Spano
Founder, Day Studios


Find the balance, and thrive.

As far as I can see— no one has "nailed" the definition and purpose of what this "life" thing is.

Some believe it's a simulation; others believe God sent us here to earn eternal rewards; others believe it's entirely useless so, "Party on, Wayne!"

Regardless of how you make sense of all this, one thing appears certain: We are humans, being.

The Human+Being Method isn't woo-woo. It's realistic, because it's based on the experience of being human, and what is required for humans to avail themselves to true human connection.

The goal of the Human+Being Method is to help more humans figure out how to human better, together.

answer the call to connect with your people.

Let's work together.

My dream is to help entrepreneurs shift the way they think about marketing, so that the human beings we call "clients" and "customers" can find connection and belonging. Join me.

Blue gradient Alive and Aligned Entrepreneur Logo

My signature, done-with-you coaching intensive to help entrepreneurs discover and leverage their most valuable asset: their own humanity. At scale, and in the timeliest way possible.

PreEnrollment is now open
Purple and orange gradient Alive and Aligned x3 Program Logo

The signature A+A Entrepreneur program plus a Day Studios Brand, designed specifically to embody what you learned and to call in your people. Rubber: meet road.

Learn More
Free Workshop: Unstuck Logo

This is my free workshop series, geared specifically toward helping entrepreneurs get unstuck through raising our EQs. Register for the next one here.

Sign me up!

"Tech is evolving rapidly, but the future of modern enterprise has never looked more human.

It's time we learned to leverage our humanity."

Dana Spano

Founder of Day Studios &
Host of the Brand for Real. podcast

Let's connect.

Hit the link below to send a DM on Instagram, and we'll be in touch ASAP.


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